This bouquet of mixed roses comprise 2 red roses, 2 white roses, 3 pink roses and 3 yellow roses. This rose bouquet comes in tissue wrapping and looks bountiful with fillers. This flower gifts is a perfect expression of emotions like love, admiration and happiness.
Type of Flowers : Roses No. of Stems : 10 Colour of Flower : Assorted
A colourful summer
₹ 595.00
Price Summary
- ₹ 595.00
- ₹ 595.00
- ₹ 595.00
This bouquet of mixed roses comprise 2 red roses, 2 white roses, 3 pink roses and 3 yellow roses. This rose bouquet comes in tissue wrapping and looks bountiful with fillers. This flower gifts is a perfect expression of emotions like love, admiration and happiness.
Type of Flowers : Roses No. of Stems : 10 Colour of Flower : Assorted
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